Eight Reasons to Take the Public Inter-Village Buses in Coastal Colombia

  1. Blog5 (1024x765)You will gain deep insight into local culture.  In fact, you can watch the entire life cycle of couple’s relationship — meeting, courtship, marriage, first baby, the inevitable descent into nagging and stony silence — as the bus crawls sllloooowwwly past.
  2. You can complete all of the primary research required for a PhD dissertation on coastal Colombian botany before reaching your destination.
  3. You save money on dental work later after losing your teeth jouncing on spring-less seats.
  4. You can invent new yoga poses trying to cram your frame into the insufficient seat space.  Bonus: you will never again complain about the legroom on budget airlines.
  5. You will become expert at the full spectrum of screeching noises created by shifting without a transmission.  And the wide variation in horn tones.  Also, the broad definition of items considered “luggage,” including — and I’m not exaggerating here — an entire bed frame and bathtub-sized bucket of sardines.
  6. You can make millions* organizing a gambling pool on the recurring games of chicken that the bus driver plays with oncoming semis.
  7. You get to figure out how to use toilets like these.

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8. And wonder how cars like this — with neither door nor seatbelt to hold in this Croc-clad little child — are allowed to cruise the streets.

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*Millions of Colombian pesos, of course, which aren’t worth a whole lot.

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